Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I also hate rain!

Did I mention that I hate rain during a shoot! I mean I don't want this thing to turn into a bitch session about all the things I despite; however, there is nothing to like about being disturbed in the middle of a shoot, by rain drops, no sorry rain buckets, running down your face, all the while you are trying to frame and focus a shot. Talk about water boarding. If this isn't it, then I don't know what is!

On a positive note, I must say that with my usual drive, desire, and determination to beat unfavorable circumstances, I managed to have one heck of a shoot, despite what Poseidon had in mind for me!

And hey, thanks to my studio partner and good friend of mine Mahesh, you not only get to see an image of the wonderful shoot, but also of me! A rare capture indeed so enjoy! :-)

I must say thanks to the entire production team: Allan, Jen, Emily; my friend Mahesh, as well as our lovely model Kate for making the best of our shoot.

More later.